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Laser Vision Correction


No one would like to wear spectacles if they can help it. While refractive errors like short sightedness( myopia) and long sightedness ( hyperopia) affect 8 % of the worlds population! a large section of these people would like to get rid of their spectacles.

The Lasik laser procedure can correct myopia and hypermetropia by ablating the corneal substance with a highly precise laser beam called the excimer laser. The presence of adaptive nomograms and eye tracking devices make these ablations extremely predictable and precise.

A new addition to this technology is the femtolasik procedure, where the flap is created with another laser called the femto second laser instead of a mechanical microkeratome.

There are however certain tests that need to be carried out to verify the eligibility to undergo the laser. These include an orbscan or a pentacam, that gives an idea of the corneal thickness and health. The amount of corneal thickness that one possesses puts a ceiling on the amount of correction possible by laser ablations.

In patients with very high refractive powers, or with thin corneas full laser corrections may not be feasible and other refractive procedures like ICL (implantablecollamerlens) may have to be resorted to.

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